Christen, Juden, Muslime - ein Studium für alle

Ein Theologiestudium für verschiedene Religionen bietet die protestantische theologische Ausbildungsstätte an der Claremont School of Theology in Claremont (Süd-Kalifornien) an. Dort werden Christen, Juden und Muslime, Hinduisten und Buddhisten zu Geistlichen ausgebildet.

"We envision a model of theological education in which students are educated rigorously and intensively in their own religious traditions and in contact with the other religious traditions that are thriving throughout our society. We aim to instill our students with a strong sense of their own religious identities and the integrity of the religious traditions that they represent, while simultaneously teaching them to recognize the legitimacy and integrity of the other religious traditions which they will encounter at Claremont and the world beyond."

Weitere Informationen:

Theologie studieren
Akademie der Weltreligionen