"Open Internet, Open Church, Open Source" lautet das Thema der 19. European Christian Internet Conference (ECIC), die vom 2. bis 5. Juni 2014 im Ökumenischen Institut Bossey bei Genf stattfindet.
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." This call for accountability by the apostle Peter gains new relevance today, as internet culture makes our convictions – and to some extent also our institutions – more transparent to acquaintances and strangers alike.
At the same time the internet has become a space for people to live out that basic human "impulse to share what we like or have created ourselves or even things we think are good for us as well as for others" (quoted from the foreword to the 2005 publication Love to Share - Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright, and Christian Churches).
At ECIC 19, we will look at the different aspects of openness in today's internet culture: - the transparency that is created sometimes intentionally (for example in Wiki projects) sometimes unwittingly (as users hand over their personal data to companies and online behaviour is analysed by states and commercial players)
- the collaborative potential and the emphasis on community and resource sharing of the open source movement and projects like Wikipedia
- the exchange with people from other cultures and countries, which puts Christians into direct contact with brothers and sisters from other traditions and makes the diversity among Christians (as well as the need to work together and find common ground) more visible.
Zum Programm: http://www.ecic.mobi/content/programme-ecic-19
Zur Anmeldung: http://www.ecic.mobi/content/register-2014